Ahmic’s facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art resources necessary for the design, development, calibration, and testing of advanced measurement instrumentation and aerospace research. In-house aerodynamic test capabilities include a clean-flow supersonic wind tunnel, shock tube, and hot jet for sensor qualification testing and boundary layer research.
Design & Development
Ahmic is committed to improving existing products while pioneering new measurement technologies as evidenced by our ongoing research and development efforts. Our facilities enable us to move quickly from concept to advanced prototype to low-rate production. New products pass through a rigorous design and development process which can be tailored to customer requirements. While both commercial and proprietary CAD, FEA, and CFD software packages are heavily utilized, it is the experience and dedication of our personnel that brings new products to life so that our customers have the right tools to conduct novel and innovative research.
Ahmic’s laboratory contains all necessary support equipment to conduct NIST-traceable calibration and testing. High-speed DAQ systems, instrumentation test stands, vacuum/pressure chambers, environmental test chambers, high-temperature ovens, as well as an oil bath, shaker table, centrifuge, and small EMI chamber are just some of commercial and custom equipment we utilize. Ahmic’s calibration procedures and detailed uncertainty analyses follow the ANSI/ASME standard of test uncertainty.
Aerodynamic Test Facilities
Supersonic Wind Tunnel
Ahmic’s supersonic wind tunnel provides calibration-quality clean flow at speeds ranging from Mach 2 to 4. The facility serves as an essential platform to conduct turbulent boundary layer research and characterize new instrumentation technology. Flow is controlled via a fast-action valve to enable highly repeatable conditions and multiple test points over a short duration run. A heater and vacuum system are currently being developed to expand the total temperature range and enable hypersonic speeds. The 24-in. long tunnel consists of two six-inch-long modular test sections. The low-profile top, bottom, and side wall panels can be easily removed and modified to accommodate the integration of custom sensors, probes, and optical access.
Tunnel Specifications:
- Mach: 2.0 - 4.0
- Re: 11.6 - 44.8 x106/ft
- P0: 25 - 200 psia
- T0: 530°R (room temp.)
- Mass Flow: 0.6 - 5.2 lbm/sec
- Wall Shear: 1.6 - 11.2 psf
- Run time: 60+ sec
- Test Section CS: 1.5 x 1.5 in.
- Test Section Length: 24 in.
Ahmic’s 2-in. diameter shock-tube is constructed from stainless-steel and can be operated from vacuum to 1,200 psia. Air, nitrogen, and helium are the most commonly employed driver and driven gases. Its simple clamp design enables a quick interchange of either aluminum or Mylar diaphragms. Multiple instrumentation ports are integrated along the driven section to capture both the incident and reflected shocks. The shock-tube is employed to measure instrumentation resonant frequencies and estimate high-frequency response time (time of arrival).
Hot Jet Rig
Ahmic’s 6.0 kW Hot Jet test rig can produce exit flow temperatures and surface heat flux up to 1,250°R and 12.0 BTU/ft2-s, respectively. The jet is capable of continuous operation, made possible via a fast-action control valve that enables stable and repeatable flow conditions under variable heating rates. Several nozzles, flow splitters, and air blades have been constructed with core flow diameters up to 1-in. The rig is also equipped with a programmable model injection system to sweep test articles and sensors through the jet.
Ahmic Aerospace is an ITAR Registered Manufacturer with the U.S. Department of State. ITAR is a set of government regulations that control the import and export of defense-related articles and services. Ahmic operates in full compliance and regularly handles ITAR-controlled materials or technical data related to defense and military technologies.