Ahmic Aerospace is located in Dayton, OH. From the historic home of the Wright Brothers to the heart of Ohio’s Aerospace Corridor, Dayton is a city rich in history, originality, and innovation. Ahmic is located near Wright-Patterson AFB and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) testing facilities.

Our History


Ahmic Aerospace began with a vision to transform the way aerospace data is collected. Upon its founding in 2014, Ahmic introduced high-accuracy wall shear sensors to the aerospace market. Since then, Ahmic has evolved into a comprehensive research and developmental company, specializing in high-performance instrumentation and measurement techniques. Ahmic now offers a full set of tools and products that can be used to characterize and understand complex flow physics. Our research and products continue to expand as we look to serve an even broader base of customers and industries.

Ahmic Aerospace is a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB).

Embracing Innovation

Ahmic Aerospace _ Dayton Ohio _ Embracing Innovation

Ahmic has always maintained a clear vision to embrace change, create new ideas, and transform aerospace technologies. These fundamental ideas are what drive our distinct research and development efforts and enable innovation to flow freely. Above all else, we believe that the conventional norm cannot be challenged without first asking the question, “Why?”

Since the Wright Brothers first took flight, the world has been fascinated with aviation and how it works. 120 years later, we are still learning and improving upon this science and technology. We challenge ourselves to live up to the heritage and legacy of aviation in the Dayton, OH community. We are a fast-growing company founded on new ideas and new solutions with the innovation and capabilities to expand into many business fields and industries.

Our Future

Ahmic has built a diverse and talented team of scientists and engineers capable of tackling new research areas in the aerospace defense and commercial markets. In less than two years, we have tripled our workforce and anticipate similar growth moving forward. As our research and product portfolios grow, so does our testing requirements. Ahmic recently constructed an in-house supersonic wind tunnel and is already working on plans for a second tunnel to expand our hypersonic test capabilities.

Ahmic is always looking for new applications in which our technology can be applied and help other industries grow and improve. The instrumentation that Ahmic develops has excellent potential for outside markets interested in measuring fluid mechanics, including automobile, maritime, pharmaceutical, and green energy technologies. Jumping into new markets will further expand the company, build corporate partnerships, and lead to new business ventures.

Dayton, OH - Birthplace of Aviation - Home of Ahmic Aerospace

Dayton, OH - Birthplace of Aviation - Home of Ahmic Aerospace